CTSLC Mission Partner

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Dear Christ the Savior Church!.mp4

October Mission Offering

On Sunday October 6th, Christ the Savior’s mission partner, 26-year-old Matthias Haamer, will be in worship and bring us greetings from the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope outreach center in Estonia. He will also give a presentation during the Sunday School hour on the incredible mission projects they are involved with in Estonia and Russia. An example is a “One Minute Bible Study on Instagram”, designed for younger people. (On a local note, Bethany Lutheran Church of Denver is also a sponsored mission partner.)

You are encouraged to make a special and significant offering for their mission anytime between now and October 6. Please think significant. You may simply mark your check TAT.

Please realize what an impact you will have in this opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to people in desperate need for hope and comfort.

Their Web Site: tatest.org